AINIRO.IO’s Magic Cloud is not one project, it’s more than 40 projects. Each project encapsulates some part of Hyperlambda, such as sending emails, parsing XML or JSON, etc.
The following are the “plugins” projects for Magic and Hyperlambda, typically implementing one or more slots each, whom in its combined results becomes the programming language called Hyperlambda. These are the parts that allows you to interact with your database, apply authentication and authorization requirements for your endpoints, etc.
- magic.node - Nodes, lambda, Hyperlambda and Expressions
- magic.signals - Magic’s Super Signals implementation or Active Events if you wish
- magic.endpoint - Endpoint resolving in Magic
- - Commonalities for data adapters in Magic
- magic.library - A single project wrapping everything together
- magic.lambda - The Hyperlambda DSL, and its primary keywords
- magic.lambda.math - Math operations from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.http - Invoking HTTP endpoints from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.csv - Parsing and creating CSV from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.json - Parsing and creating JSON and YAML from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.html - Parsing and creating HTML and Markdown from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.xml - Parsing and creating XML from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.mail - Sending and retrieving emails from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.mime - Parsing MIME messages in Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.auth - Authentication and authorisation in Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.dates - Manipulating DateTime objects from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.slots - Creating your own dynamic slots or functions
- magic.lambda.mysql - Accessing your MySQL server from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.pgsql - Accessing your PostgreSQL server from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.mssql - Accessing your MS SQL Server from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.sqlite - Accessing your SQLite database from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.odbc - Accessing an ODBC connection from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.image - Image library, allowing you to manipulate images
- magic.lambda.crypto - Cryptography helpers for Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.guid - Creating a guid from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.config - Accessing configuration values from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.logging - Logging from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.caching - Caching from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.strings - Manipulate strings in Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.scheduler - Create scheduled tasks and workflows from Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.validators - Validate input in Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.hyperlambda - Parsing and creating Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.sockets - Web socket support for Magic using SignalR
- magic.lambda.threading - Thread support for Magic and Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.pdf - PDF support for Magic and Hyperlambda
- magic.lambda.openai - OpenAI specific slots